Category: Site News & Updates

Wood Oak City Rooftops (Released on 12/1/2020)

Hello, time for another stage release. With the out of nowhere appearance of Streets of Rage Remake v5.2, and thanks to help from Vecta, the assets were acquired to make stages from the remake. So this is my take on a slightly changed up rooftop from an alternate path in the Remake. Behold: Wood Oak City Rooftops.

As always, you know the drill: Top Menu > WinMugen Stages++ (Retro) > Page 3


Citrix Lifebar (M.U.G.E.N 1.1) by Habadashery – Released on 9/28/2020

Hello boys and girls, I have a special treat for you. My good buddy Habadashery has released his first Lifebar for his Full Game Project, making it 100% public. At my offer, I’m hosting it for him, so folks can have a place to download it.

Here’s the video preview of it in action.

You can find it in the above menu:
Top Menu > Hosted Creations > Habadashery Wares
This is also the first 1.1 release hosted here on DV’s M.U.G.E.N Works.

Stage Release: Azure Sidewalk (8/7/2020)

After almost an entire year of not releasing anything (I’m REALLY sorry about that. Life got in the way…), I FINALLY bring to you the next stage: Azure Sidewalk!

This is a joint collaboration with Don Vecta of Withering Surface Entertainment, as this is our take on what “The Super Threc” would look like visually as a stage in Streets of Rage. Considering this year makes 29 years of Beat’em Up glory, this was the right time to have this done.

As always, you can find the stages in the menu above.

Top Menu > Winmugen++ Stages (Retro) > Page 3

At some point I’m going to update that menu…just need to not allow life to interrupt that…

Anyway, enjoy the release. And let’s hope the next one don’t take almost a year to do.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works