Category: Site News & Updates

“City Heights” Stage – Updated on 12/8/2017

The stage that was released on 12/7/2017, has been updated on 12/8/2017

Known Changes:
1. Downscaled City Layers from 2:1 to 1:1. Slightly upscaled Mountain to compensate for it.

2. Readjusted Aurora Skyline, to make it appear more visible when scrolling up from a Super Jump. Bottom of said Aurora Skyline appears to be cut off when it animates. This is an issue from it’s original ripped source.

3. Added a Curb at the bottom of the fence on the main floor, so ground and fence appear to connect properly.

4. Adjusted Foreground Fence on the left side of the stage, by slightly moving it upwards, as it did not match the rest of the fence to the Right

5. Removed the Tiled option in city layers. As well as slightly adjusted the right foreground fence, to touch the edge on the right side of the playing field.

6. Adjusted boundhigh from -225 to -200, to compensate for lowering the Aurora Skyline

Thanks to O Ilusionista for asking about the initial buildings, and taking notice of their odd scaling.

Grab the update today!
Top Menu > WinMugen++ Stages (Retro) > Page 3

KCGO Podcast playlist now added to the site

You read the title correctly. For those who may be interested to know, I, along with a good number of people I know, have started the “Keep Calm & Game On” podcast, over Twitch & YouTube. I’ve added the playlist link to the top menu, courtesy of YouTube user aznpikachi215, who is also part of our podcast group. This gives me something to do, in the downtime between doing new stages, since I don’t have as much time as I once did to get them done. But, this keeps my brain churning with new ideas.

With that being said, server maintenance is done, so everything is working like it should. If there are any broken links, please let me know.


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