Category: Site News & Updates

Stage Release: Sunset Park – 10/15/2018

So, you’re wondering where I’ve been? Family stuff, getting my life together, and getting back with my father. There’s a lot more going on, but that’s not what you’re here for. You’re here for a new stage! Well, you got one. Introducing “Sunset Park”.

Get it today!
Top Menu > WinMugen++ Stages (Retro) > Page 3

This stage does NOT come with music. So file size will remain small. Instructions embedded into zip file.

Here’s a video if you like to preview ahead of downloading.

Bayside Lounge v1.2 Updated on 6/22/2018

Hello all, I’m back with another update. While progress on future stages are a bit…slow…I’ve updated Bayside Lounge with a bit of a minor change. I’ve added a night time look to the stage, as you can see in the image below.

EDIT: The music file was not added with the stage, after the initial upload. This time the music file WAS added. I also split the def files. So now you can install which version you prefer, the Day or Night versions.

Download today!

Top Menu – WinMugen++ Stages (Retro) – Page 3

Bayside Lounge updated on 5/15/2018

There was a glaring error that appeared on this stage, on the far right. And I didn’t catch it. A good friend of mine pointed it out to me almost 5 months after the stage was released, in his live stream, just an hour ago. The error was that a large black box took up a portion of the screen, just where the TV is in this image. It was meant as a solid layer, because the animation bled out to the city background behind it. It is now fixed, as seen below.

Special thanks to Rodriguez Cook of YouTube, as he’s getting credit for bringing it to my attention. The fix has been uploaded to my site, and is now available.

Top Menu > WinMugen++ Stages (Retro) > Page 3

Just overwrite the files if you already downloaded the stage once before. Enjoy.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works