Author: DarkValentine1984

Where I’ve been, and where are the updates? 3/22/2013


Well….this is quite embarrassing. I was supposed to have done something weeks, almost months ago. And yet, here I am with nothing to have made ready, aside this post. Well, I blame work for that. Everyone but me, has been taking vacations and the like. And I’ve yet to take mine. So, I’m trying my best to hold out for as long as possible, at least until my vacation comes around on March 30th.

It sucks when the majority of my days, are pretty much working closing shifts. It doesn’t give me room to work with in doing other things (make stages, play games, etc.) I will say that despite all this, I do have a WIP in the works, but even that is on hold, at least until my vacation starts.

At the same time, I’ve gone back to work with Vecta on my Streets Survivors mod. Both he and I are very interested in completing it, and hope to have more to show at some point, before or during my vacation. That goes without saying, that I have a LOT to work on with the Retro Stages Ideas thread. But, I have enough on my plate as it is. Will put something here, when reality decides to let me out of detention.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works