Author: DarkValentine1984

PC is down for the count

Sorry if I haven’t been able to post much, but my desktop PC is down for the count. I’m using my laptop, but none of my stage making tools are on it. So until I get a new PC, since efforts to repair this one have been quiet hard, I won’t be doing any stage updates, or stage releases, until I’m on my new computer.

My laptop is not fit for stage making, as it’s half working as it is. So until then, please hang tight. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, for anyone hoping to see something new from me.

AI Patches from luis23456, now hosted here!

After a LOT of searching, I’ve located, and uploaded the patches, in their original, untouched state. The patches were lost after 2008, when the links went dead, and there was no word from luis himself. After getting a hold of them, finally got them uploaded here, to where they will have a home at least. And have no fears of being lost for good. The patches are for the following characters listed below:

Adon by Piuopiou Ai patch
Burter by stig87 Ai patch
Cassandra by jack bandit Ai patch
Tetsu by XCB Ai patch
Chipp by meka Ai patch
Kung fu man by n64mario Ai patch
Lin by Cross cat (the 2 versions he released) Ai patches
Lucy fernandez by Fervicante Ai patch
Ai (ngbc) by Fervicante Ai patch
Athena 2002 by Chloe Ai patch
May (guilty gear) by Meka Ai patch

Please make a backup of your character if you have the original versions.


If you do not like cheap patches, then this isn’t for you. Otherwise, you can pick it up from the “Hosted Creations” section above.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works