Author: DarkValentine1984

Starry Night – Released on 11-18-2014

Sorry for the slightly lengthy delay in any updates, but life can sometimes do that to you. So, without further wait, here’s the next stage. “Starry Night”

For comparison, most of the stage, comes from Sonic Megamix. The only exception, is the ground, and highway, which comes from YuYu Hakusho.

At any case, I’m still in the process of making new sections. One of the new sections is now live. Get this stage from “Page 2” of the Winmugen Retro section (Hover your mouse over it, to see the option).

New Sections Coming Soon

In the coming days, I’ll be importing the first 26 stages that I created, from my mediafire account, over here to my server. This way, there won’t be a need to use the mediafire link, for a VERY long time. I’ve been meaning to do this, but I got lazy/busy with everything else.

There will also be a few section changes, to make it easier to locate everything on my site. As I am experimenting with a tabbed tier system of sections. The Tutorial page is an example. You can either click on it as is, or hover the mouse pointer over it, and it will show 3 additional areas to explore.

My goal is to minimize the top menu, as much as possible. Wish me luck.

Future Projects

I want to personally say thanks to everyone who’s come to my humble site over the years (and many iterations), to download my works and wares. I’m coming up on 50 stages being released overall. So at some point, I want to do some Super Muscle bomber (Saturday Night Slam Masters) stages at some point. I’ve notice a good number of characters from that franchise have been released. So why not stages from that game as well, right?

So, with that being said, and moving forward, when I create a stage, I will put side by side, an image of the source material next to it on the front page. This way, I do not get any complaints about something being an off color. A prime example of this, is the Skyline Stage. The stage is based off of & comes from Super World Stadium 92/93, which is a Namco Sports Arcade game. When creating that stage, I created it from a single still image, captured from that very game. Which was posted on my site a few months prior to the release of the Skyline stage.

I read at a few places, that the water did not look “natural”, and looking like “piss water”. I’m not complaining about such a thing, because that is too trivial to complain about. Just know that I know what was said, when it was said.

In any case, I hope to soon get to making the stages from Saturday Night Slam Masters, and Slam Masters 2, hopefully, without much negative reception.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works