Despite the stage has been published on 4-25-2017, the stage was completed on 4-24-2017
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Grab this stage today, from Page 2 of the Winmugen++ (Retro) stages page, from the top menu!
Despite the stage has been published on 4-25-2017, the stage was completed on 4-24-2017
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Grab this stage today, from Page 2 of the Winmugen++ (Retro) stages page, from the top menu!
At some point in time this week, my host is switching out new server hardware. So, it will go down for a few days. If anything, it should be back up no later than Sunday night.
There will be planned downtime, starting February 1st, and ending February 6th. I’m having some work done on my server, and I need to have the site taken down for a few days, while I get things done. It will be back up on the 6th of February, which will be a Monday.