Author: DarkValentine1984

Mediafire Link removed, Old Stages will be posted here soon

It has now been brought to my attention, that Mediafire, 4Shared, and a few other hosting sites were compromised. And as a result, some places aren’t able to download any files at all. It was brought to my attention from a post over at Mugen Archive about the now active blacklisting of it. So, as a precaution, I have went on Mediafire and regained access to my first 26 stages that I have released and have 100% removed all traces of the mediafire link I gave everyone access to, when it came to these classic stages. They will be uploaded directly to this website, once I have set up a spot for them to be placed. Just know that ALL of my stages can be downloaded at the highest speeds possible, I will never run ads, nor will I allow any compromises to occur. DV’s M.U.G.E.N Works will remain free & open for everyone to download my wares, hassle free. This is my sole promise.

Admin of DV’s M.U.G.E.N Works

Custom Template for Winmugen Plus, MUGEN 1.0 & 1.1 added 4/20/2018

Hello there. Finally got around to making a Custom Stage template, to use in the creation of your very own Winmugen Plus, MUGEN1.0 or MUGEN 1.1 Zoom Ready Stage. The download itself is available in the Tutorial section, at the top of the menu. Just click on “Tutorials” to gain access to it. The Custom Stage Templates only contain .DEF files, as you would need to create your own. I edited both to guide you into what layers can be used where, and what each line of coding means. In a simple explanation anyone can understand.

Also, due to Elecbyte’s site being down, I have added clean copies of MUGEN 1.0 & 1.1 to the site, for you to download. To gain access to them, please click on the “About M.U.G.E.N” Tab in the top menu.

DV's M.U.G.E.N Works